Hello, there.

I am a freelancer from Bangladesh and this is Venus Documentation.

ⅰ. localhost

a. You will need to install either Apache/Nginx web server on your system for Ubuntu. For Windows you can install XAMPP/WAMP web server. And for macOS please install MAMP. For to install Apache web server on your system (only applicable for ubuntu), run the below command:

sudo apt-get install apache2
sudo apt-get install nginx

But for a far more detailed instructions please refer to this tutorial;

b. In the case of Ubuntu your root directory will be “/var/www/html” and in case of XAMPP it will be "C:\xampp\htdocs" and for WAMP it's "C:/wamp/www". For MAMP, the root directory is “/Applications/MAMP/htdocs”. Of course all directory paths can change depending on the version you install.

c. Now you have to install PHP and MySQL databases only in the case of Ubuntu. Because for the rest of the Operating systems XAMPP or WAMP or MAMP will do all the work for you. In Ubuntu, you can install the LAMP stack but that is a whole different story. Please keep the root name, password saved somewhere for further use.

d. To install PHP on your system please run the below command:

sudo apt-get install php libapache2-mod-php
sudo apt-get install php-fpm php-mysql
But for a far more detailed instructions please refer to this tutorial;

e. After installing PHP, you need to enable the mod_rewrite module. To do that please run this below command:

sudo a2enmod rewrite && sudo systemctl restart apache2
sudo a2enmod rewrite && sudo systemctl restart nginx
But for a far more detailed instructions please refer to this tutorial;

f. Now create a folder of your desired name in the root directory i.e. “/var/www/html” or "C:\xampp\htdocs" or "C:/wamp/www" or “/Applications/MAMP/htdocs”.

g. Put all the folders and files (i. e. application, assets, system, uploads and all other files) from inside the venus folder into the folder created in the previous step.

h. Please keep in mind that the .htaccess file is a very important file. It is inside the main script file (venus folder). Make sure that you have that file copied and pasted properly.

i. Now you will need to set up a MySQL database. You will need to set up a database only for Ubuntu operating systems because on Windows or macOS, softwares like XAMPP or WAMP or MAMP will take care of that for you. Now to install MySQL database on your Ubuntu system please open a terminal and write this below code:

sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient-dev
But for a far more detailed instructions please refer to this tutorial

j. To install phpMyAdmin on your system, you will need to run below command on your terminal:

sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin
But for a far more detailed instructions please refer to this ;

k. In both cases you will be asked to set up MySQL database passwords for later use, so please choose something strong and save it for later use.

l. Now in your MySQL database, create a database according to your desired name and upload the sql file (database.sql) provided with the script for Ubuntu. And to do that you will have to login into mysql using your user name and password; Then you will need to run the below command:

CREATE DATABASE `your desired databsae name`;
and then press enter. After that type
and that you get you out of the MySQL environment;

m. This time you will have to go the directory where the database.sql (provided with the script) file is and open a terminal there and run the below command:

mysql -u `your MySQL username` -p `your created database name in the last step` < database.sql;
But for far more detailed instructions please refer to this tutorial This is how you need to import the database.sql file provided with the script to your mysql database.

n. If you have decided to install phpMyAdmin instead as described in point 'i', you will need to visit your phpMyAdmin on the browser as suggested in the given tutorial and you will see the newly created database there. Click on it, find Import and upload the database.sql provided with the script and click Go at the bottom.
But for a far more detailed instructions please refer to this tutorial;

o. Then go to application/config/database.php file to change your database configuration on line number 79, 80 and 81. You need to change database username, database password and database name that you had created during installation of MySQL or XAMPP or WAMP or MAMP.

p. Finally, change the entire folder permission of uploads to 755. To perform this action you will have to open the root directory of the application on a terminal. Here the root directory suggests to the directory of the script where application, assets,...,uploads are on. Then you will need to run the below command:

sudo chmod -R 755 uploads/
And also this command so that server's user on the machine can read/write on uploads folder. For performing upload functionalities.
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data uploads/
sudo chown -R nginx:nginx uploads/

Now please visit http://localhost/folder-name-created-on-step-d and you should be able to see the login page of Saturn script.

ⅱ. cPanel

a. In your cPanel Home create a database by visiting DATABASES -> MySQL Databases.

b. In that page you will first create a database. Then create a user with a password. And please keep all three (database name, user name, user password) information somewhere safe for further use. But for a far more detailed instructions please refer to this tutorial;

c. Now add the created user to that database. Give all privileges and we are done here. Go back to the Home page of cPanel.

d. This time you need to visit DATABASES -> phpMyAdmin. It will take you to a different page but you will see the newly created database there. Click on it, find Import and upload the database.sql provided with the script and click Go at the bottom.
But for a far more detailed instructions please refer to this tutorial;

e. Now upload all the files (i. e. application, assets, system, uploads and all other files) from inside the venus folder into public_html directory which you will find by visiting FILES -> File Manager or you can create a folder in that public_html directory of your desired name and upload all files from inside the venus folder into that newly created folder.
But for a far more detailed instructions please refer to this tutorial;

f. Please keep in mind that the .htaccess file is a very important file. It is inside the root directory (venus folder). Make sure that you have that file copied and pasted properly.

g. Then go to application/config/database.php file to change your database configuration on line number 79, 80 and 81. You need to change database username, database password and database name that you had created during creating your database in step b.

h. Now please visit http://your-domain-name or http://your-domain-name/folder-name-created-on-step-e and you should be able to see the login page of Saturn script.


Please email for any kind of support t1m9m.com@gmail.com and thank you for trying.

❶ Home

Welcome to the Venus Home page. All of the key web pages are linked from the Home page. The institution's phone number is on the top left, and your Login option is on the top right. On this page, volunteers can sign up by providing the necessary details. On the Home page, there is an About Us section and also can view the most popular Stories and upcoming Events. Additionally, you can view the most recent images added to the Gallery as well as thumbnails of some of our alumni members' profiles, which you can view once you have registered as an alumnus.

❷ Login

You will be taken to the Login or Register page if you clicked the Login link on the home page. If you haven't already registered as an alumnus, you can do so here by providing the required information and checking the box indicating that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions. You will receive a password via email once the admin has reviewed and approved your profile after you've created an account.

On the left of the page, you can log in as a Volunteer or an Alumnus of the page by entering your provided email address and the password you were sent via email. The Forget Password option is located below the log-in section, and selecting it displays a box where you must enter your email. Once the admin has examined and approved your email, you will receive a new password via email.

This page contain,

  • Create New Alumni Account (Required Information: Name, Class, Email, Mobile Number, Profession, Linkedin)
  • Login as Alumnus (Required Information: Email & Password)
  • Login as Volunteer (Required Information: Email & Password)
  • Forget Password

❸ My Profile

You will be taken to your profile after entering your email and password as an alumnus. By clicking Edit Profile, you can view and change the details on this page. Links to your Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn profile can also be added to help you connect with more people. The most popular stories are displayed in a section titled Most Read Stories in the top left corner of this page. On the top right corner, there is a Logout option with My Profile. On the top navigation bar of the screen, you will be able to see the Main Navigation panel that will lead you to all the other sections on the website or hovering on them will open the related menu.

❹ Alumni

You will see four options if you hover the Alumni option at the top of the page. After clicking any option, it will open the related page. They are:

ⅰ. All Alumni

Clicking on the All Alumni option will take you to a new page that contains a list of all alumni profiles. It is possible to view more details and get in touch with the members by clicking on any of the profiles. It should be noted that only registered Alumni can view the profiles of other Alumni members.

ⅱ. Batchmates

You can see your all batchmate alumnus list on this page. Any of the profiles can be clicked on to view more information and make contact with the members.

ⅲ. Chat Room

Chat room is sort of like a hangout place for all the alumni. Access to this chat room is restricted to alumni. An alumnus can chat with classmates or other alumni after successfully logging in. In the admin panel, there is no module for this. It is only accessible via the alumni website. A dropdown menu with the options of individual batches or All will appear after the login alumnus decides to visit this page. Alumni will see all alumni in that specific batch after selecting and submitting, as well as all alumni depending on the selection. They'll then be able to have private conversations with one another.

ⅳ. Deceased

This page contains a list of every deceased alumni member. You can click on any of the profiles to view more details about the members.

❺ Donation

This is a new feature that has been introduced.An alumnus can donate to the alumni association fund for a number of predefined causes on the alumni website after successfully logging in. It resembles a donation request more. The request will be visible in the admin panel, and the admin has the authority to approve or disapprove the donation depending on its status.

❻ Events

The Events page will then open with a list of all the upcoming events and their associated dates. When you click on any event, you will be taken to a page with information about the event, including the date, time, location, hashtag, and a map to the event's location. At the bottom of the page you can also RSVP.

❼ Stories

The Stories page, which you can access after clicking it, contains stories written by alumni members, with the most recent ones published at the top. Your Archive, which is a list of all stories that have been published and is arranged chronologically, is located on the left side of your Events page. To read the full article, simply click on any of the stories. Each story includes a comment section at the end. You can submit a comment, which the administrator will review before publishing.

❾ Volunteers

After registering on the homepage, volunteers will, once approved by the admin, receive a password via email. They will be taken to their account, where they can view and edit their personal information, after successfully logging in as a Volunteer. After providing their current password, they are able to change it. They can also view the Events that the administrator has assigned them to.

Except for Alumni profiles, a volunteer can view all of the pages. As well as being unable to comment on stories or RSVP to any events, volunteers.

❿ Notice Board

Everyone has access to the notice board, which notifies them of important updates.

❶❶ Contact Us

For all contact information, visit the Contact Us page. The institution's address is displayed on the left, and a map with the institution's location is displayed on the right. You can leave the administrator a message by clicking the link at the bottom of the page. To send a message, simply enter your name, email address, and message in the appropriate boxes before clicking.

❶ Dashboard

After logging into the Admin panel with User ID and password you will be taken to the Dashboard. Here you can see Total Alumni, Total Slides, Total Stories, Total Events, Total Messages, Total Volunteers, Total Notices, and Total Albums. You can click on any one of these to view in more detail.

On the top right corner, you can click on the Admin icon and you can directly go to Inbox, Website Settings, Admin Settings or you can Log Out. You can change your password on the admin setting option. Just type in your old password along with your new password and click on Update to save changes.

On the left of the screen, you will be able to see the Main Navigation panel that will lead you to all the other sections on the website.

❷ Alumnus

You have a choice of four options when you click on Alumnus in the Navigation panel. They are,

ⅰ. Add Alumnus

The Add Alumnus page lets the Admin add new Alumnus members by filling in the necessary details and then clicking on Add. It will be added to the alumni list. Required Information for adding Alumni: Name, Username, Image, Email, Password, Personal Website, Short Biography, Profession, Position, Status (Pending/Active), Deceased Status (Yes/NO), Alumnus Social Medias url and other personal information.

ⅱ. Alumni

The Alumni page contains the lists of all existing Alumni members as well as those Alumni who have registered, but are still pending the Admin's approval. From this page, the Admin can view all the members' details and contact information, as well as their status. Every entry has an Action button. The Admin can edit this information and can add new members by simply changing their status to Active. Search bar is located on the top right corner of the page.

This page includes,

  • List and View Alumni
  • You can search for alumni by entering a specific keyword
  • Action (Details, Edit, Change Image and Remove)
  • Copy, Print and Download as CSV, Excel & PDF

ⅲ. Email to Alumni

On this page, there are three forms. To email all alumni, use the first one on the top left. The admin needs to write the subject and the message before clicking send when sending an email. Using the form in the bottom left,admin can also send an email to all alumni of one class. A class needs to be chosen, write about the topic, and then click "Send" to send an email.

In the right form, admin can change Gmail SMTP Setting. Admin needs to enter the SMTP host, admin's Gmail SMTP email address, and password before clicking update to make changes.

This page contains,

  • Email to all Alumni
  • Email to all Alumni of one class
  • Gmail SMTP Setting

ⅳ. SMS to Alumni

There are two forms on this page. The left one is for sending SMS to all alumni. Admin hsa to do to send an SMS is type message and click send.

The right one is for changing Twilio Setting. The Admin must enter the account SID, Auth Token, and Twilio phone number before clicking update to make changes to the settings.

This page includes,

  • SMS to all Alumni
  • SMS to all Alumni of one class
  • Twilio Setting

❸ Slider

If you click on the slider on the Navigation panel, you can choose two options. they are,

ⅰ. Add Slide

The Admin can also add new Slides to the home page simply by clicking on the Add Slide page and uploading the desired image. New slide will be added in its own place. The specific dimensions required for the image have been mentioned.

ⅱ. Slides

The Admin can view all the slides here.Every entry has an Action button. You can edit, change images and also can remove images. there is a Search bar on the top right corner in this page.

This page includes,

  • List and View Slide
  • You can search for slide by entering a specific keyword
  • Action (Edit, Change Image and Remove)
  • Copy, Print and Download as CSV, Excel & PDF

❹ About Us

From here, you can view and edit the About Us section on the Homepage of the main website. There are three forms.You can fill out the first form by adding the Title, Tagline, and Description that will appear in the About Us section. You can enter any image with the desired dimensions on the second form; simply click Update. You can list the terms and conditions for your website on the final form.

❺ Event

If you click on Event, you will see three more options:

ⅰ. Add Event

You are able to add new Events using this page. You only need to complete a form with crucial information like the Event title, hashtag, permalink, date, time, and venue of the event. Additionally, you have the option of adding a map with directions and an image for the event. You can also include a description of the event. Simply press Submit after filling out the form to add the new event to your Events page.

ⅱ. Manage Events

You can view a list of all the events you've created on your Manage Events page, along with RSVPs from members and the number of volunteers each event has received. You can view the names and contact information of the volunteers by clicking on the number next to the name of each event. There is an action button for each entry. Additionally, you can use the action button's edit option to add or remove additional volunteers. Simply enter a volunteer's name to add them, and click the cross next to their name to remove them. Press Update once you've finished editing.

This page contains,

  • List and View Manage Events
  • You can search for manage event by entering a specific keyword
  • Action (Edit)
  • Copy, Print and Download as CSV, Excel & PDF

ⅲ. Events

The Events page includes a list of every event that has been added successfully, along with the event's date, time, location, and creation date. Every entry has an Action button.To view or edit event details, modify the event image, or remove the event from the list, click the action.

This page contains,

  • List and View Events
  • You can search for event by entering a specific keyword
  • Action (Details, Edit, Change Image and Remove)
  • Copy, Print and Download as CSV, Excel & PDF

❻ Story

From Story, you can either go to Add Story or Stories:

ⅰ. Add Story

You can add new stories here. Simply complete the form with the necessary information, such as the Title, Permalink, Story Image, and Author Name. Then, enter the story in the Paragraph boxes, and press Submit.

ⅱ. Stories

You will find a complete list of all the stories, along with information about their author, publication date, permalink, and number of views. Every entry has an Action button. Using the action button, you can view and modify any information as well as the story image. By selecting Remove, you can also take the story off the list.

This page includes,

  • List and View Story
  • You can search for story by entering a specific keyword
  • Action (Edit, Change Image and Remove)
  • Copy, Print and Download as CSV, Excel & PDF

❼ Comment

You can view all of the comments written by Alumni on the comments page, along with information such as the name of the story that was commented on, the date the comment was made, the commentator's name, and the comment's approval or pending status. Each entry has an action button that you can use to read the entire comment, edit it, choose whether it should be approved or rejected, and then click Update.

This page includes,

  • List and View Comment
  • You can search for comment by entering a specific keyword
  • Action (Edit and Remove)
  • Copy, Print and Download as CSV, Excel & PDF

❾ Volunteer

From Volunteer, you can either go to Add Volunteer or Volunteers:

ⅰ. Add Volunteer

The Admin can add new Volunteers by filling out the form on this page. You must enter information such as your name, username, email address, password, and other information. After that, click Add, and the Volunteer will receive an automated email with his or her username and password. The administrator can enter any password they like or click Generate Password to automatically generate a new one for them.

ⅱ. Volunteers

On the Volunteers page, you can find a list of every Volunteer along with all of their details and status (Active/Pending). There are two options available when you click the Action button found on each entry: Edit and Remove. To edit the information for the Volunteer, click Edit. Additionally, after registering, a Volunteer will show up in this list with the Status Pending. The Admin would need to click Edit, change the Status to Active, and then click Update in order to add the Volunteer. Simply select the Remove icon to eliminate the Volunteer.

This page contains,

  • List and View Volunteer
  • You can search for volunteer by entering a specific keyword
  • Action (Edit and Remove)
  • Copy, Print and Download as CSV, Excel & PDF

❿ Contact Us

There are two Contact Us forms on this page. The Part 1 form on the left contains all the contact information like Telephone number, Address, Association, name and Email, as well as a Description. You can change these details at any time and Update them. The form 2 on the right pertains more to contact through social media. Here you can add links to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. You can also add a link to a Google Map. You can of course also update these details as you wish.

❶❶ Notice Board

ⅰ. Add Notice

Here, you can write a brand-new notice. Simply enter the heading and content in the correlating Title and Description boxes before clicking Add. New notice will be added in the notice box.

ⅱ. Notices

All notices are available on the Notices page. You can edit or remove the notice by using Action. Additionally, you can use the search box to look up specific notices.

This page includes,

  • List and View Notice
  • You can search for notice by entering a specific keyword
  • Action (Edit and Remove)
  • Copy, Print and Download as CSV, Excel & PDF

❶❷ Donation

If you click on Event, you will see three more options:

ⅰ. Add New Donation

You can add a new donation here. Simply complete the form with the necessary information, such as alumni, amount, donation purpose, donation via and status (Due/Donated) and press Submit. It will be added to the donation list.

ⅱ. Manage Donation Purposes

Admins can view all of the requests for donations made by various alumni in this module. Admin is able to change whether or not the donation was actually made. Admins have the right to modify the donation's status. Additionally, administrators can add various donation purposes for alumni to select from. The purposes might be active or inactive.

ⅲ. Donations

You can view all of the donations done by Alumni on the donations page, along with information such as the name of alumni, amount, donation purpose and via. Each entry has an action button that you can edit or remove.

This page includes,

  • List and View Donation
  • You can search for donation by entering a specific keyword
  • Action (Edit and Remove)
  • Copy, Print and Download as CSV, Excel & PDF

❶❸ Message

On the Messages page, you will find a list of all the Messages sent to the Admin, sorted by date. You will also be able to see the name and email id of the sender. Every entry has an Action button. You will be able to read the whole message or remove the message. You can also search for messages by typing in keywords in the Search box.

This page contains,

  • List and View Message
  • You can search for message by entering a specific keyword
  • Action (Edit and Remove)
  • Copy, Print and Download as CSV, Excel & PDF

❶❹ Job

From Job, you can either go to Add Job or Jobs:

ⅰ. Add Job

You are able to add new Jobs using this page. You only need to complete a form with crucial information like title of the job, position, location(in-person/remote), deadline, description, salary, website, email and phone number. Simply press Submit after filling out the form to add the new job to your Jobs page.

ⅱ. Jobs

All jobs are available on the Jobs page. You can edit or remove the Job by using Action. Additionally, you can use the search box to look up specific jobs.

This page includes,

  • List and View Jobs
  • You can search for job by entering a specific keyword
  • Action (Edit and Remove)
  • Copy, Print and Download as CSV, Excel & PDF

❶❺ Settings

Under Settings, you have four different kinds of Settings:

ⅰ. Website Settings

You can update the Website Title and Admin Title from this page. The Copyright name and URL, which are displayed at the bottom of every page, can be modified. Additionally, you can change the Contact number that is displayed in the website's upper left corner. You can also modify the website's language, currency, and time zone in addition to the system fonts. Make the necessary adjustments and then select Update.

ⅱ. Profession

A list of all the professions, along with their creation and update dates, can be found on this page. To edit or remove any information, click on actions. You can add new professions on the right box on this page. Simply enter the name and click Submit.

This page contain,

  • List and View Profession
  • You can search for profession by entering a specific keyword
  • Action (Edit and Remove)
  • Copy, Print and Download as CSV, Excel & PDF

ⅲ. Logo Settings

On the top of this page, you have your favicon setting. You will be able to see a preview of your current favicon. If you want to change it, you simply have to click on Add image, select the image of your choice, and then Update. In the middle, you have the form for your header logo, which appears alongside your Website Title on the top left of every page. Finally, the last form of this page has your footer logo, which appears on the bottom right of every page. You can similarly preview or update these images as well.

ⅳ. Login Background Settings

Next you can change the background image that appears when the Admin is logging in. Just press Add image, select a picture of your liking and Update.

ⅴ. Admin Settings

On this page, you have one form that you can use to change the email id, or create a new password. You must give the existing password before you can change it. Click on Update to save your changes.

ⅵ. Permission Requests

You can find a list of requests for permission for various things on this page, along with other details. Every entry has an action button, as well as options to edit and remove it. You can approve or reject the request for permission using the edit option.
